Alice Liddell

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Alice Liddell
Alice Liddell Image.png
Birthday '
From United Kingdom
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Alice Pin
8chanmania XXVI
First Victory
Nue Houjuu
8chanmania XXX
First Championship


Alice Liddell is a London girl with a really shitty childhood. She is the protagonist of American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Having lost her family in a house fire, Alice's scarred little mind tries to escape into the same "wonderland" Lewis Carroll so vividly described. The place unfortunately has suffered just as much as Alice herself has; having transformed into a nightmarish realm where the girl has to fend off various creatures gone mad with the help of a vorpal knife and other assorted utensils.

She later is transferred under the care of a psychologists whose hypnosis-based methods seem just a bit too fishy to be genuinely helpful.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

As with all fighters that debuted in the first season of 8chanmania, it's unknown when exactly Alice made her first appearance. The most likely candidate currently is 8chanmania XXVI, where she got kicked out of the preliminaries by the notoriously taciturn Demifiend.

She later returned for the porn-themed 8chanmania XXX. While it is known that she faced and defeated the youkai Nue Houjuu, any further outcomes have been lost to history.

Season 3[edit | edit source]

During 8chanmania LXIII, poor Alice was duped into thinking the voice of her late mother was guiding her from beyond the veil. Unfortunately, said voice actually happened to be SHODAN, who used her as one of her minions to gain supremacy over the competing GLaDOS and Hatsune Miku. For better or worse, SHODAN discarded of her after she was swiftly defeated by Renne Bright.