Arcueid Brunestud

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Arcueid Brunestud
Arcueid Brunestud Image.png
White Princess of the True Ancestors
Birthday '
From '
Height 167cm
Weight 52kg

Debut Match
Arcueid Brunestud W
Eiki Shiki
8chanmania XLI
First Victory
Arcueid Brunestud W
Eiki Shiki
8chanmania XLI
First Championship


Arcueid Brunestud is a main character from and the heroine of TYPE-MOON's Tsukuhime.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Like your average visual novel character, Arcueid superficially appears as nothing more than a Japanese high school student with slightly strange manners and an odd eye color, but actually is a horrendously powerful ancient vampire whose race was created as Planet Earth's defense mechanism against an unerringly growing humanity. As such, she greatly enjoys being killed by her romantic interest, eating breakfast together with him, going to the movies, and then killing humongous eldritch abominations.

A living weapon devoid of much in the way of emotions, Arcueid adopted a whimsical, almost-child like personality after her (potential) lover Shiki gave her a good slap. Her wide-eyed innocence and marvel over the modern world has given her the symbolic color of "White", although Arcueid can turn into a much less amicable person when she runs "red", and not in the way one might interpret it as.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Arcueid fought in 8chanmania XLI. She defied the judgement of Eiki Shiki (jokingly wondering if she was from "that one place" where everyone who disagrees with you "isn't white"), and went on to defeat both The Prince and Mike Dawson. Her timely end came at the unexpected hands of Shaggy Rogers, who kicked her out of the semi-finals.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Being one of the best-known figures produced by TYPE-MOON, Arcueid has her own parody character in the form of Neco-Arc.