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Bahn Image.png
Genghis Bahn III
Birthday '
From Nishino Machi, Japan
Height 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight 194 lbs. (88 kg)

Debut Match
Genghis Bahn III L
Noboru Yamaguchi
8chanmania XLVIII
First Victory

First Championship


Bahn is one of the playable fighters from the Fighting Vipers series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Bahn is the very stereotype of a bancho - tall, muscular, and burning with passion for his own, original brand of 'justisu'. Raised by a hard-working single mom after his father dumped her and his then-infant son, he orchestrated his own arrival in America through a student exchange program, and takes part in Armstrong Cities's fighting tournament in the hopes having a word with his old man.

Owing to his own background as a former gang leader, Bahn has learned that potential conflicts are ideally solved in quick and decisive fashion. His fighting style mirrors this philosophy - where many of his rivals are virtually addicted to long, flashy combo attacks, Bahn has discovered that he best way to keep people from being uppity is to smack them right in the face. Repeatedly so, if need be. This leaves him somewhat lacking on a technical basis, but he sure is effective.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Bahn fought in the Banch-themed 8chanmania XLVIII. His inherently stoic nature made him immune to the wannabe-comedian Noboru Yamaguchi, but he learned that Kazuma Kuwabara could punch even harder than he did.

While he made no further appearances in the ring, Bahn acted as the hilariously acerbic manager for Grace during 8chanmania LXXX.