Dee Jay

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Dee Jay
Dee Jay Image.png
Music Superstar
Southern Comet
Birthday October 31st, 1961
From Jamaica
Height 6'00" (184 cm)
Weight 203 lbs. (92 kg)

Debut Match
Dee Jay L
Carlos Diaz
8chanmania LX
First Victory

First Championship


Dee Jay is one of the playable fighters from Street Fighter, first debuting in Street Fighter II.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As per long-running tradition, each country represented in the roster of Street Fighter should have at least one walking caricature to it. You have big and burly Zangief representing the USSR and Russia, sumo wrestler/bathhouse owner E. Honda for Japan, and so forth. Unsurprisingly, the guy to represent Jamaica should be proverbially upbeat reggae musician.

Curiously, Dee Jay's designs in the games prior to SF VI were relatively tame; putting 'kickboxer' first and 'music star' last. The sixth game utterly reversed this trend by going full Rastafari-mode on him, but as SF VI only came out years before the end of the mania, the version present here still goes with his older design.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Dee Jay fought in 8chanmania LX, where his rhythm got interrupted by Carlos Diaz and his trademark fists of steel.