Doi Aki

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Doi Aki
Doi Aki Image.png
Birthday '
From Japan
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Doi Aki Pin
8chanmania LXXVIII
First Victory
Doi Aki Pin
8chanmania LXXVIII
First Championship


Doi Aki is a character from Detroit Metal City.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Aki is a producer of legendary status within the Blackened Metal Scene of Japan. Where other producers merely know their shit, Doi Aki also knows your shit - to the point whether he can immediately tell whether you have constipation or diarrhea. If you tell other people to go eat shit, they'll get angry. If you tell Doi Aki to go eat shit, he'll just give you a knowing smile.

Aki's shit-eating grin proves instrumental when he helps the shit-for-brains members of the eponymous band Detroit Metal City to get their shit together. Although he demanded some seriously tough shit from the crew, his scatolo-metal approach allowed the band to produce a song that was the absolute hottest shit and beat the shit out of the competition. They even had hotpot together afterwards. It tasted like shit.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Aki took a big dump on 8chanmania LXXVIII. He made Kaiji eat shit for trying to go on a gamble on him and told a naggy Violet to take care of her own shit, but then was forced to scrub the floor of King Harkinian's castle despite not even giving a shit about it.