Edward Richtofen

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Edward Richtofen
Edward Richtofen Image.png
Birthday '
From Germany
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Edward Richtofen Pin
Freddy Krueger
8chanmania LXVII
First Victory
Edward Richtofen Pin
Freddy Krueger
8chanmania LXVII
First Championship


Edward Richtofen is a major character from the Call of Duty series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

At some point, the tortured souls over at Treyarch finally snapped under the burden of having to shit out a new Call of Duty game each year. Their madness eventually took the form of the series 'Zombie Mode', which somehow went from being a glorified joke to having an insanely convoluted, tinfoil-tier plot that 95% of the audience doesn't understand the remaining 5% studies religiously.

Central to this plot is a certain Edward Richtofen; a Nazi scientist whose fervor for Der Führer is only dwarfed by him actually being in the Illuminati. Working as part of the top secret Unit 935, he and his unit are searching for a new Wunderwaffe when they find Element 115 - a substance that can reanimate dead tissue. The rest of the story is too elaborate to be explained here, but rest assured, there are zombies.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Edward Richtofen fought in the Halloween-themed 8chanmania LXVII. He won his first match against Freddy Krueger and spooked another spectre by the name of Big Scar Wu, but being a crazy scientist is not helpful when you're facing a wraith created by crazy scientists - like Paxton Fettel.