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Debut Match
Elaine W
Roger Smith
8chanmania LII
First Victory
Elaine W
Roger Smith
8chanmania LII
First Championship


Elaine is the is a key character from the Genocyber manga, as well as starring in its OVA.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Elaine is a seemingly mute, blonde girl found wandering the streets of Hong Kong. Unfortunately for her, Elaine also has potent psychic powers and is part of a secret weapons project that seeks to combine her with a sister, Diana. Together, they could merge into the eponymous Genocyber - a highly irritable entity of god-like powers that makes humans pop like particularly gory balloons.

In their infinite wisdom, the award-winning scientists behind the entire project proceed to do exactly that. Notably while extensively having cut up Diana as a lab rat beforehand, and having murdered Elaine's only friend while trying to abduct her. What's the worst that could happen - aside from Hong Kong sort of not being there anymore, at least? In fact, why not throw a mechanical copy of the stupid old thing at Genocyber if you run into it again?

It's not like it's the end of the world.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Elaine fought in the 90s-themed 8chanmania LII. The attempt of professional mediator Roger Smith and his android waifu Dorothy Waynewright to pacify her very nearly would have been effective, had Roger committed a catastrophic blunder by mentioning Elaine's late parents.

But much as Roger was forced to attend without the Big O at his disposal, Elaine was barred from morphing into Genocyber and turning the mania into something that would make guro fetishists turn pale. Her rampage therefore ended after the Toyota AE86 drifted literal circles around her.