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Exdeath Image.png
Birthday '
From Great Forest of Moore / Castle Exdeath
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Exdeath L
8chanmania LXXI
First Victory
Captain Falcon R
Captain Qwark
8chanmania LXXVI
First Championship


Exdeath is the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy V.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Following the defeat of the warlock-king Enuo, the humans that defeated him sought for a place in which to lock up all the malevolent spirits his reign of terror had brought about. They eventually decide on the remote and solitary Great Forest of Moore; hoping that sealing the evil spirits in one of its trees would keep them contained for all eternity. Instead, the spirits corrupted the tree and turned it into a sentient and decidedly malevolent humanoid entity - Exdeath himself.

Proverbially made from pure evil, Exdeath is an arrogant and boisterous warlock that can sink entire islands and take control of others' minds to have them work towards his plans. The latter invariably converge on the ultimate destruction of all existence (notably including himself) by returning it into the nothingness of the void.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Exdeath debuted in 8chanmania LXXI, and quickly got his armored ass handed to him by a Gadabout from Dragon Quest III.

He would team up with Ganon for 8chanmania LXXXVI, where the two professional villains soon met the professional heroes Captain Falcon R and Captain Qwark. Evil found a way, and while Qwark got incinerated to ashes, the new Captain Falcon got his skull thumped so hard he changed back into a regular Replica.

Exdeath and Ansem invaded the Square Enix-themed 8chanmania XCIV; taking control over it after banishing Tetsuya Nomura to the void for writing magical bullshit-tier plots and taking the Mania audience hostage. This hostile takeover soon drew the interest of Aya Brea and Zell Dincht, who went on to defeat the two villains in an exhibition match. Less than pleased by this, Ansem promptly ditched his ally by sacrificing him to the void; producing a monstrous X-Death in the process.
While X-Death merrily proceeded to wipe the floor with Aya and Zell, the end of the mania saw him defeated by the bizarre trinity of Sora, Squall Leonhart, and the mania's freshly-crowned champion Kain.

Gallery[edit | edit source]