Garlic Dispenser

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Garlic Dispenser
Garlic Dispenser Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
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Debut Match
Garlic Dispenser L
8chanmania LV
First Victory

First Championship


The Garlic Dispenser is a NPC from Wario World.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Scientists agree that garlic is, in fact, good for you. It is a nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, and anti-fungal food. Regular consumption of garlic can reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. Garlic is also famously known for repelling both vampires and the gay community, as well as most other people you honestly can't be arsed to deal with.

Garlic is so powerful that even Wario, the living embodiment of greed, will readily spend some of his coins by literally punching them into a Garlic Dispenser. These ubiquitous automatons dispense garlic by the cloves, and (much as a veteran crack dealer), will steadily raise the price of the product the more badly you need it.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Garlic Dispenser fought in 8chanmania LV. Its vain attempt to forcefully sell garlic to Aniki went nowhere, as its vaguely phallic shape was severely outmatched by the severe masculinity of the big brother.