Godbert Manderville

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Godbert Manderville
Godbert Manderville Image.png
"Manderville Man"
Birthday 8/27/2013
From Sultanate of Ul'dah, Eorzean Alliance
Height ???
Weight ???

Debut Match
Godbert Manderville W
8chanmania XXXVI
First Victory
Godbert Manderville W
8chanmania XXXVI
First Championship


Godbert Heliodor Maximilian Manderville is a member of the Ul'dah Syndicate and owner of the Manderville Gold Saucer from Final Fantasy XIV.

Bio[edit | edit source]

A highlander Hyur in his mid-50s, Godbert is the scariest old man players are likely to find in the game. His normally friendly and polite personality hides is quick to turn into an aura of murderous rage when Godbert sports something that offends his sensibilities (usually acts of incompetence displayed by his son Hildibrand), and if the trail of dust this machine leaves in its wake as it charges towards you does not make you shit bricks, the suplexes he doles out as if they were candy probably will.

Despite of this, Godbert not only is a skilled wrestler, but also a master goldsmith. His trade has brought him plenty of wealth, but like any good man, Manderville knows that prosperity is built upon the well-being of a community rather than that of a single entrepreneur. He thus strives to increase the happiness of the realm as a whole, and if it requires a few drastic moves to do so.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The strongest man in all of Hydaelyn entered 8chanmania XXXVI, sending the despicable Minion master Gru home in the preliminaries. Alas, this didn't prevent him from getting his shit fucked up by the goddamn dab-bot Proto Man in the very next round, but not before the master goldsmith hinted the latter might be mutating into a heel. Lord Lolorito must be bad at rigging.

Godbert's second coming was during the Square Enix-themed 8chanmania XCIV. Despite of very nearly killing his opponent through blood loss, he still was defeated by Squall Leonhart in the first round.