Gordon Freeman

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Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman Image.png
Birthday '
From Seattle, United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match

8chanmania XXV
First Victory

First Championship


"( . . . )"
— Gordon Freeman

Gordon Freeman is the main protagonist of the Half-Life series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Leaving the MIT with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, Freeman enlists to the secretive Black Mesa facilities ate the ripe age of 27. He became a top-level researcher that (however unintentionally) brought about the events of the Resonance Cascade that led to the invasion and conquest of Earth by the forces of the Combine.

Held in "storage" by the mysterious G-Man, Freeman would eventually resurface in City 17, and renewed his reputation as a one-man army by killing scores of Combine forces before overloading the dark fusion reactor powering their monolithic citadel. He went on to flee the city, and stopped a major Combine assault on the resistance base situated at White Forest. For someone who studied theoretical science, he sure is good at the practical side of things.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Gordon Freeman fought and likely debuted in 8chanmania XV, but nothing beyond that is known.