Jack Skellington

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Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington Image.png
"Pumpkin King"
Birthday N/A
From Halloween Town
Height N/A
Weight N/A

Debut Match
Jack Skellington Pin
Jack Frost (/bmn/)
8chanmania XLIII
First Victory
Jack Skellington Pin
Jack Frost (/bmn/)
8chanmania XLIII
First Championship
Jack Skellington Pin
8chanmania XLIII

Jack Skellington, also known as the Pumpkin King, is the ruler of Halloween Town, and the patron spirit of Halloween itself. While he and his macabre compatriots enjoy scaring people, they do it in a good-natured way; essentially giving them a proverbial "good fright" which they may fondly remember later on. By comparison, actually harming the people he spooks is absolutely anathema to him, and despite of his gentlemanly nature, he possesses an almost child-like enthusiasm for things which are new to him.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Jack made his first appearance and promptly won his first belt during 8chanmania XLIII. There, he fought that other Jack, Mr. Hankey, Rudolph, and Christmas Creature, before finally beating down Brauggi in the finals.

He eventually got his chance to spook the mania right up during 8chanmania LXVI, yet whereas the machete of NES Jason Vorhees did not have enough sticks and stones to break his bones, Plum and her golfing-trained muscles certainly did.

Jack's last show was in 8chanmania C, where he participated in the Battle of the Boners. Sadly, he was the first of eight skeletons to be thrown out of the ring.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Jack originally came from the Nightmare before Christmas movie, but given that he is a Disney character, he also was pushed into Kingdom Hearts, where he possesses powerful magical abilities befitting of his office.

Gallery[edit | edit source]