Johnny Turbo

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Johnny Turbo
Johnny Turbo Image.png
Birthday 1995
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Johnny Turbo W
CDI Link
8chanmania XXVI
First Victory
Johnny Turbo W
CDI Link
8chanmania XXVI
First Championship


Johnny Turbo is the console mascot for the TurboDuo.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Based on the looks of Jonathan Brandstetter of Flying Tiger Development, Johnny Turbo is a fictional superhero whose four-page commercial comics are centered around a sole issue: The superiority of the TurboDuo. He has particular issues with the dark agents of FEKA (which totally isn't a lawsuit-proof expy of SEGA), and takes great offense at the idea that the TurboDuo wasn't the first CD system on the market.

Rest assured, the blatantly ham-fisted nature of the comics made Johnny Turbo as popular as anyone might reasonably expect. He thus earned his seat at the grand table of catastrophic advertising failures, occasionally having drinks with the woman from the Japanese Kleenex commercial.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Johnny Turbo debuted in 8chanmania XXVI. He actually made good progress by leaving CDI Link hungry and whipping Gex around by the tail, but then tapped out against Kazuma Kiryu.

His second appearance was in the 90s-themed 8chanmania LII. There, Johnny gave Mr. Freeze the cold shoulder, yet found himself unable to render the volatile graphics of Dural.