Juri Han

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Juri Han
Juri Han Image.png
Birthday January 1st
From South Korea
Height 5'4" (162 cm)
Weight 126 lbs. (57 kg)

Debut Match
Juri Han W
Saisyu Kusanagi
8chanmania XXIV
First Victory
Juri Han W
Saisyu Kusanagi
8chanmania XXIV
First Championship


Yuri Han is a playable character from the Street Fighter series, debuting in Super Street Fighter IV.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Already a Tae Kwan Do champion at the mere age of fifteen, Han's life got a bit messy when the crime ring Shadaloo attempted to kidnap her and her family. The run was only partially successful, as Han's parents were killed and she herself suffered severe injuries to her left eye. Shadaloo would later make up for this by jamming the Feng Shui Engine into her now unoccupied eye socket; granting her wildly superhuman strength, speed, and reaction time.

That Juri kept working for Shadaloo in general and its weapons division S.I.N in particular ostensibly might seem like a bad case of Stockholm's, but actually serves Han's own, overarching plan to turn M. Bison of Shadaloo and Seth of S.I.N. against each other. Despite of her leaving the organization, Han still is edgier than a kitchen knife, and purely fights to inflict suffering on other people. It's a small miracle she doesn't cut herself.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Juri Han fought in 8chanmania XXIV. She force-fed staggering amounts of humble pie to Saisyu Kusanagi, but then was put unto her own, personal blue shift by Barney Calhoun.