King Ramses

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King Ramses
King Ramses Image.png
"The Man in Gauze"
Birthday Unknown (born c.1303 BC)
From Egypt
Height N/A
Weight N/A

Debut Match

First Victory

First Championship


"Return the slab... or suffer my curse."
— King Ramses

Bio[edit | edit source]

King Ramses is a minor character from Courage the Cowardly Dog that appears in the King Ramses' Curse episode. He is strongly insistent about getting his slab back from Eustace Baggage, but the latter stubbornly holds on to the priceless artifact; even as Ramses plagues the Baggages and Courage with assorted curses.

He eventually gets the stupid thing back when Courage eventually wrestles it from Eustace's hands and throws it out of a window, thereby saving the entire (well, at least part) of the house from being devoured by hungry locusts.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

King Ramses made at least one appearance during the first season of 8chanmania, but owing to the lacking documentation of the former, when or how often he showed up is unknown. His first known appearance was during 8chanmania XXII, where he managed to defeat the Arch-Vile, but then was forced into submission by Scuttlebug.

In Season 2, the ancient Pharaoh was nominated for and fought in the horror-themed 8chanmania XXXV. He managed to defeat fellow Egyptian Imhotep, but then suffered a devastating KO at the hands of NES Jason Vorhees in the next round.

In Season 3, he was nominated once again to fight in 8chanmania LXVII, the first mania of the season. Alas, the King promptly was put back to the grave by Erin.

His fourth appearance in 8chanmania XC saw him defeating pop singer Mariya Takeuchi and Final Fantasy Dad Jecht before he once more was sent back into his sarcophagus by Cultist-chan.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • King Ramses' call to fame presumably stems from him being animated via early 3d technology while the show he was in was a classical hand-drawn cartoon. Believe it or not, but it scared the shit out of kids back in the day.