Larry Laffer

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Larry Laffer
Larry Laffer Image.png
Birthday N/A (aproxx. 1956)
From United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Larry Laffer L
Fat Bald Bastard
8chanmania XXVIII
First Victory

First Championship


Larry Laffer is the protagonist of the Leisure Suit Larry series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Larry spent much of his life as a withdrawn reclusive that could have led a wonderful existence as a virgin NEET living in his mother's basement. Alas, he already has committed the first cardinal sin by holding a job before the game even stars. Things only turn worse when Larry's long-suppressed sex-drive comes back with a vengeance by the time he hits his end-thirties; sending Larry into a violent porn addiction (which would have been fine), and then on a quest to get laid with an actual girl (which is absolutely haram).

Leaving aside Larry's more or less successful amorous adventures in the actual games, the series offers a curious socio-cultural observation:

  • On the one hand, Larry was very clearly designed to be a walking joke character with a head that is almost as large as the rest of a midget body, and an attitude that drew rabid cries of sexism and outrage even in the contemporary late 80's/early 90s (never mind the nuclear meltdown he would cause nowadays).
  • On the other hand, he always *does* get laid in the end; while the games that supposedly nobody bought sold enough copies to warrant six sequels (any "sequel" beyond the seventh not being warranted in the slightest).

To use a however awkward comparison: The audience of yesteryear played the Leisure Suit Larry games for their humor, in the same sense that modern audiences only watched Spice and Wolf for the economics.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Larry Laffer only appeared in the inter-board tournament of 8chanmania XXVIII, where he represented /lss/. Which, in turn, was exclusively created to get Larry Laffer into said mania.

Then Larry ran straight into the Fat Bald Bastard, who forced him to tap out. One can only guess that the latter's method had nothing to do with a classical submission hold.