Lich King

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Lich King
Lich King Image.png
Birthday 8 years after the opening of the Dark Portal
From Draenor / Ice Crown
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Lich King L
Dr. Doom
8chanmania XI
First Victory

First Championship

The Lich King is a major character from the Warcraft series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

The Lich King is the ultimate mastermind behind the Scourge, a gigantic army of the living dead that has plagued the world of Azeroth since the time of the Third War. Originally nothing more than a suit of armor and a sword housing the mind of the powerful Orcish shaman Ner'zhul, the latter's cunning plans saw both pieces donned by Prince Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron - effectively fusing both Ner'zhul and Arthas into a single entity. There also were later events involving a burn victim and a butthurt banshee, but this is of no further issue here.

While spending most of his times freezing his ass off on the aptly-name Frozen Throne, the Lich King's mental control over a nearly inexhaustible army, his own powerful magics, and his enchanted blade made him a foe of nearly god-like powers. It was only through the combined efforts of the Horde and the Alliance that he ultimately was brought to fall, and even then, they had to get someone else to play nanny for the now leaderless Scourge once its original creator finally died for good.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Lich King debuted in 8chanmania XI, where it immediately got stomped by the much more experienced villain Dr. Doom.

His sole other appearance was in 8chanmania XXIII, where he got all the hurt of the world thrown at him by Avenger Angra Mainyu.