Mayor of SimCity

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Mayor of SimCity
Mayor of SimCity Image.png
Birthday Unknown
From SimCity
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Debut Match
Mayor of SimCity W
Camilla (Fire Emblem)
8chanmania XII
First Victory
Mayor of SimCity W
Camilla (Fire Emblem)
8chanmania XII
First Championship


The Mayor of SimCity is the otherwise featureless player character of the SimCity games.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Although the term 'Mayor' usually suggests someone who has been democratically elected into office, the Mayor of SimCity is closer to Orwell's 1984 version of the Big Brother. Seriously, this guy is a scary motherfucker. With a term that is technically infinite unless he fucks up in a spectacular (and generally financial) matter, the Mayor has nigh-total control over every single aspect of urban development. Like the ability to demolish any single building in the city with no questions asked. Including your house. Having second thoughts about that no-confidence vote yet?

But wait - there's more. Unlike traditional politicians that have to rely on shoddy tools such as popularity polls to check what the rabble is thinking, the mayor simply looks right into your head and reads your very thought. Especially the unhappy ones. If that does not make him sound like some sort of malevolent god, consider he can also call down (if not directly control) natural disasters. It should be noted that he usually does not do this to manifest his anger, but simply because he is bored. Let that sink in for a moment.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Mayor first debuted in 8chanmania:Season 1, as a mystery box for 8chanmania XII. The mayor first defeated Camilla, but ultimately lost to Cirno.

Following a lengthy pause, tried to rock the ring again in 8chanmania LXXVIII. It didn't quite work out - caught in a severe dispute about the nature of a good leader with King Harkinian, the mayor lost and could do nothing but watch as Harkinian raised the taxes of SimCity to astronomical levels.