Mr. Brown

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Mr. Brown
Mr. Brown Image.png
Birthday '
From USA
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Mr. Brown Pin
8chanmania LIX
First Victory

First Championship


Mr. Brown was an old meme format from the livelier days of 8chan.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Mr. Brown appears to be a completely regular teaching working in a completely regular US school. Except Mr. Brown, quite ironically, has severe misgivings about brown people; including those that are part of his student body. The highly sophisticated humor of the series thus revolved around the ingenious and cheerfully sociopathic attempts of Mr. Brown to tackle long-running race issues at school.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Mr. Brown debuted in 8chanmania LIX. He faced off against Kunio, and, perhaps sensing how the latter had been norted by Ansem, immediately tried to smack the 'darkness' right out of him. Emphasis on 'tried'.

Two weeks later, in 8chanmania LXI, Brown tried to goad American Bear into a little race war. He had not taken into account that the Bear was a civic nationalists for whom "all burgers are equal", and ended up eating a nasty KO.