Mr. Hyde

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Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde Image.png
Birthday '
From London, United Kingdom
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Mr. Hyde W
Atari ET
8chanmania XXXVIII
First Victory
Mr. Hyde W
Atari ET
8chanmania XXXVIII
First Championship


Mr. Hyde is the villain of the 1886 Gothic horror novel Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Back in the Victorian era, when London still was a respectable city of blue-blooded gentlemen, neatly dressed ladies, and the working class sleeping on the streets from gin-induced stupor, there used to be a medical practitioner by the name of Henry Jekyll.

Dr. Jekyll held himself to a very strict set of morals, and was therefore seen as a shining beacon of righteousness. In private, however, Jekyll held the secret and very human desire to be a detestable monster every once in a while. He therefore devised a serum that would physically change his form into that of Mr. Hyde - a cruel, uncaring sociopath that allowed Jekyll to live out his deep, dark fantasies.

The novel has been widely hailed as a classic of horror fiction; encompassing the often crass difference between public appearance and personal abyss. More importantly, it served as the basis for a 1988 NES adaption that was so hilariously bad that it garnered its own cult following.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Mr. Hyde appropriately fought in the "Bad Games Mania" of 8chanmania XXXVIII. He did away with Atari ET and may or may not have thrown it right into the landfill, but then was out-assholed by the Egyptian perpetual whore known as Ankha.