Nero Tol Scaeva

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Nero Tol Scaeva
Nero Tol Scaeva Image.png
Former Tribunus
Birthday ~1545, 6th Astral Era
From Garlemald, Garlean Empire
Height Taller than Cid
Weight Bigger than Cid

Debut Match
Nero Tol Scaeva W
Hibiki Tachibana
8chanmania XLVII
First Victory
Nero Tol Scaeva W
Hibiki Tachibana
8chanmania XLVII
First Championship


"Heh heh heh... A new toy for me to play with."
— Nero

Nero tol Scaeva is an antagonist and later ally in Final Fantasy XIV. He is clearly better than Cid Garlond in every way.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Beneath his public image as a polite, cultured man, the leader of the Garlean Empire's intelligence branch will do just about anything to advance his career. That the latter is constantly overshadowed by the exploits of his former rival-turned-rebel Cid Garlond annoys him to no end, and presumably acts as the root cause for his questionable personal ethics.

Although he initially is a sworn enemy to the Warriors of Light (and notably the only tribune to actually survive his defeat by their hands), he later defects from the Garlean Empire himself and joins their cause; becoming marginally less smug and arrogant in the process. Marginally.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

He smashed down Symphogear character Hibiki Tachibana in the first round of 8chanmania XLVII. Next round, however, was a match against Dark Donald, who he couldn't keep up with. Reports about the opening of a McSoda parlor in Ul'dah are greatly exaggerated.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He is one of the few human fighters with no lines spoken in a Mania. Whether this was due to TNA's spite or mere forgetfulness is up to debate.