Peasant Bard

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Peasant Bard
Peasant Bard Image.png
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Krog the Ogre King

Debut 8chanmania LXIV
with Krog the Ogre King

Champions Managed

The Peasant Bard was an unwilling subject of Krog the Ogre King.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As his name implies, the Peasant Bard was a perfectly ordinary bard until he ended up getting abducted by Krog the Ogre King. The name was slightly misleading, for despite of his ambitions, Krog had never formally been crowned as king - at least not outside of a particularly raucous drinking party.

Krog therefore decided that the first step to become a proper king was to acquire subjects. And one of the first subjects each king should have was a bard that would faithfully record all the feats and accomplishments of his lord. But ogres aren't particularly gifted when it comes to poetry, so Krog saw himself with little other choice than to abduct a human one.

To the bard's eternal gratitude, his duty towards the Ogre King (and his quest to record literally everything he did in haphazard rhymes) came to an end when Krog tapped out against Renne Bright during 8chanmania LXIV.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Peasant Bard was solely introduced because the writers thought Krog himself was too dumb for proper pre-match banter.