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Revenant Image.png
"Agitated Skeleton Noises"
Birthday Unknown
From Hell
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match

8chanmania:Season 1
First Victory

First Championship


— Revenant

The Revenant is an enemy from the Doom series, debuting in Doom II.

Bio[edit | edit source]

The Revenant resembles a largely defleshed human skeleton clad in an armored vest. It usually attacks the player by firing homing missiles from its shoulder-mounted twin rocket launchers, but those getting too close to a Revenant will quickly learn that its bony fists pack quite the punch. While individual specimen are relatively easily to kill with two short-range blast from the player's super shotgun, their guided projectiles make Revenants a major pain in the ass when they are encountered in large numbers, which naturally means that crafty mappers love creating .wads filled with over 9000 of these screaming skeletons.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

The Revenant made his debut in 8chanmania:Season 1, with a likely candidate being 8chanmania III.

His first recorded fight was a pre-match battle prior to 8chanmania XXV, in which he and an Arch-Vile joined forces against a Beheaded Kamikaze and a Lost Soul. Amidst plenty of screaming, the Revenant eventually lost the round by being pinned by the Lost Soul.

His first documented appearance in an actual match was during 8chanmania XXXI, where he teamed up with Beheaded Kamikaze. The further outcome is unknown, although the two did not win that mania.

Season 2[edit | edit source]

The Revenant's first and only appearance in 8chanmania:Season 2 was during in 8chanmania XXXV. It only made it to the first round and was quickly eliminated by a Redead.

8chanmania C[edit | edit source]

He invariably fought in the Battle of the Boners during 8chanmania C, where he was the sixth of eight skeletons to eventually leave the ring.