Roman Bellic

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Roman Bellic
Roman Bellic Image.png
Birthday N/A (born 1977)
From Serbia / USA
Height '
Weight '
Niko Bellic

Debut 8chanmania LIX
with Niko Bellic

Champions Managed

"Niko, it's Roman. Let's go bowling!"
— Roman Bellic

Roman Bellic is a major character from GTA IV.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Like many immigrants across the centuries, a young Roman had come to realize that making a living in his war-torn, economically disadvantageous shithole of a home country was hard. He therefore resettled to a nice first-world country, only to realize that making a living there was even harder because half the people don't want you, and the other half only want you as cheap labor for menial jobs.

Like many immigrants across the centuries, Roman also told his folks back home a slightly embroidered version of how well he actually fared in his new homeland; leading to even more of his friends and family (i.e. Niko Bellic) joining up in the hopes of a new life, and then becoming wage slaves, literal slaves, or recruits for the local organized crime.

Outside of his tragic backstory, Roman is chiefly remembered as the face of GTA IV's 'friendship system': Whenever you were in free ride mode (and ideally when you last needed it), Roman or one of your merry friends would call you to 'suggest' you play a mini game with them - on the other side of the city, for the umpteenth time in a row. You don't want to? Too bad! Minus six trillion social score!

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Roman Bellic appeared in 8chanmania LIX, where he served as the (entirely uncalled-for) manager of Niko Bellic. The latter seemed to be so distracted by his annoying cousin that he immediately lost his first match against Tarma Roving.