Scott Manley

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Scott Manley
Scott Manley Image.png
Birthday December 31st, 1972
From Scotland / United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Scott Manley L
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
8chanmania XXXVII
First Victory

First Championship


Scott Manley is a Scottish-American astrophysicist and YouTube personality.

Bio[edit | edit source]

An alumni of Glasgow University, Manley sports a Bachelor of Science in physics and astronomy, as well as a Master of Science in computational physics. His career spanned across various research functions in companies ranging from Napster, to cloud specialist Qualys, to social media site imeem before the latter got eaten by MySpace (hey, remember MySpace?). Then he took a bite out of the Apple.

Manley's primary claim to fame came from his YouTube channel, and more specifically, him playing Kerbal Space Program. Whereas the regular Kerbal Space player had no degree in astrophysics and thus has no idea of what he might be doing wrong, Manley does have a degree in astrophysics, and thus had a very good idea of what he might be doing wrong. Which didn't prevent him from doing it anyway.

While Manley eventually grew bored of Kerbal Space (engine limitations only allowing him to torture his yellow astronauts in so many ways), he eventually moved on and/or back to producing regular popular science videos.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Scott Manley fought in 8chanmania XXXVII. He led a brief but exhilarating match against Jean-Pierre Polnareff, and quickly decided he was better off tinkering with rockets instead of tinkering with the ring.