Seth Rollins

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Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins Image.png
The Architect
Monday Night Messias
Birthday May 28th, 1986
From Iowa, USA
Height 6'11" (186 cm)
Weight 225 lbs. (102 kg)

Debut Match
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Sub-KO (Da)
Kazuma Kiryu
8chanmania XLIV
First Victory

First Championship


Colby Daniel Lopez, better known as Seth Rollins, is an American wrestler.

Bio[edit | edit source]

While already having a fair bit of fighting (and a world championship) under his belt as Gixx and Tyler Black, Lopez's true rise to fame began when he joined WWE as Seth 'Freakin' Rollins in 2010. Rollins has an on-off relationship with the heel-style The Shield (along Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns), but being both The Visionary and The Monday Night Messias means he quickly gathered his own little cult.

Spending so much time as a heel unsurprisingly has imprinted itself on Rollin's fighting style. He notoriously mastered the Curbstomp as his finisher before WWE itself banned the move for being 'too cruel', and likewise wasn't above employing a well-placed nut-cracker on Brock Lesnar. Above actual combat, however, Rollings is hated/loved for his role as a smug, manipulative bastard that builds and breaks bonds under the sole rule of convenience.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Seth Rollins fought in 8chanmania XLIV, teaming up with his shieldmate Dean Ambrose. Their battle against Ouya-tan and Kazuma Kiryu went poorly, as Ambrose suffered a KO while in a submission hold of the wannabe-console.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Do NOT give Seth Rollins mint chocolate.