Shlomo Shekelstein

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Shlomo Shekelstein
Shlomo Shekelstein Image.png
Happy Merchant
The Eternal Jew
Birthday '
From Israel
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Shlomo Shekelstein W
8chanmania XIV
First Victory

First Championship


Shlomo Shekelstein is a Jewish stereotype.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Shlomo Shekelstein is the scheming mastermind behind the secret quest to achieve Jewish world domination. Operating from his secret underground headquarters in Jerusalem, Shekelstein simultaneously runs the government of the United States, all Western mainstream media, the World Bank, the Bilderberg Group, the European Union, South Korea, the Vatican, McDonalds, the porn industry, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, all major Rap labels, Big Pharma, and every other influential group of note. Except AIPAC - they're just too blatant about it.

As the man behind the curtains, Shekelstein rarely takes to the ring himself, and prefers to let the ignorant goyim fight his battles. But this is not to say he is harmless. While the happy merchant will usually try to bribe, extort, and generally kvetch his way out of direct confrontations, Shekelstein still is a veteran agent of the Mossad and has mastered the secret martial art of Jew-Jiutsu. Trying to corner him will get you beaten up and sued for several trillion dollars of damages for defamation.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Shlomo Shekelstein only appeared in 8chanmania XIV, and lacking records mean nothing beyond him not winning a belt there is known.