Soccer Ball

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Soccer Ball
Soccer Ball Image.png
Birthday '
From Japan
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Soccer Ball L
8chanmania RIng
8chanmania LXII
First Victory

First Championship


The Soccer Ball is a round ball of plastic or leather; customarily kicked into the goal of the opposing team to appease your Saudi overlords.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Soccer balls (or footballs - why Americlaps insist to reserve the term 'football' for a game where the ball isn't even ball-shaped remains a singular joke of history) is a sport dating back to ancient times. Its earliest recorded instance lies in the Chinese sport of cuju, which originally was invented as a fitness and team-building exercise for military men.

The soccer ball itself originally was made from inflated animal bladders covered in strips of leather. Owing to the latter's tendency to soak up rainwater and cause neck injuries whenever players tried to perform a header, it eventually was replaced by vulcanized rubber and plastics. The modern commercialization of the sport means 'professional' balls are produced to very exacting standards, ensuring fair play and plentiful bribes for FIFA officials.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

An animated soccer ball (somehow) fought in the board war of 8chanmania LXII, where it represented /8cup/. It tried to take on the entire goddamn ring, and ended up getting proverbially kicked out of the tournament.