Soda Popinski

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Soda Popinski
Soda Popinski Image.png
Vodka Drunkenski
Birthday N/A (Aged 35)
Height 6'6 (198cm)
Weight 237 lbs. (108kg)

Debut Match

8chanmania XVI
First Victory

First Championship


Soda Popinski is a recurring opponent from the Punch-Out!! series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Popinski started out as the average Russian stereotype, meaning that he was big, loud, and spent more time drinking vodka than actually boxing while inside the ring. While the Russians themselves couldn't give less of a damn about this portrayal due to still being stuck behind the Iron Curtain during the original release of Punch-Out!!, there apparently were enough people who felt the need to be offended on their behalf that Nintendo radically changed the character - by having him craving for soda, rather than vodka.

Aside from his fondness for soda, Popinski also is a thoroughly cheerful man, and his frequently remembered for his trademark laugh.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Popinski was nominated for 8chanmania XVI, but any further information has not survived the test of time.