Spontaneous Bootay

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Spontaneous Bootay
Spontaneous Bootay Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height N/A
Weight Causes earthquakes when walking

Debut Match
Spontaneous Bootay Win
TF2 Scout
8chanmania XL
First Victory
Spontaneous Bootay Win
8chanmania XL
8chanmania XL
First Championship


"That's no moon!"
— Anon

Spontaneous Bootay is a boss monster from South Park: The Fractured But Whole. She is god's answer to all the degenerates who get off to "thicc" girls.

In Reality[edit | edit source]

This ... thing ... is a lethally obese black woman that the hookers of the Peppermint strip club call in after they somehow mistake the kids of the player's party as police officer. This triggers an escape mission, in which the player has to flee the scene before Spontaneous Bootay reaches the party and flattens all of it beneath her gargantuan rear. Seriously, this creature is so fat, it's a small miracle it doesn't generate its own gravity well.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Season 2[edit | edit source]

Spontaneous Bootay made a brief stint in 8chanmania XL (oh the irony). She crushed Scout, bereaved him of his virginity, and then somehow stuffed him into her lower intestines after face-sitting on him. Fortunately, Bob kicked her out of the tournament one round later.

Her next appearance was during an aftershow match following 8chanmania XLVI, where she faced no-one other than booty expert Fleece Johnson. Although the latter technically is specialized on man's butt, Fleece nonetheless bested She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Weighed, and even managed to free Scout from his grizzly prison.

Some sadistic fucked nominated her and TF2 Scout as a tag team for 8chanmania LXV. Thankfully everything turned out better than expected as they immediately lost against Glitch Boss and Baba. To make the happy end perfect, Baba turned Bootay into a significantly better-looking female version of the Scout after the match was over.

Season 3[edit | edit source]

She returned for 8chanmania LXVIII. Having been returned to her original form by Baba (much to Scout's dismay), Bootay proved to be significantly scarier than Herobrine and forced Zero into submission, but her mass made it impossible for her to match the frantic dancing moves of Ulala.

Bootay produced another localized earthquake in 8chanmania LXXXII. She thankfully got kicked out of the preliminaries by the legendary Shadow Warrior, Lo Wang.