Steve (Blue's Clues)

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Steve (Blue's Clues)
Steve (Blue's Clues) Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Steve (Blue's Clues) W
8chanmania LXI
First Victory
Steve (Blue's Clues) W
8chanmania LXI
First Championship


Steve is the host and bi-protagonist of the children's show Blue's Clues.

Bio[edit | edit source]

It is the year 1995. After thirty-plus years of pulling some serious MK Ultra brainwashing shit on preschoolers via Sesame Street, the CIA realized it had lost large swathes of its target audience to another form of brainwashing - namely from the toy industry. Fearing a potential communist takeover through action figures literally 'Made in China', the agency chose to intervene.

An orchestrated moral panic and several top-secret backroom contracts later, Nickolodeon was given the dubious honor of airing Blues's Clues. On the surface, it was a harmless show about a man and his pet dog solving various mysteries together while teaching the audience about numbers, colors, and all that jazz. In practice, the only reason for Steve's green shirt was that its color masked his inherent glow.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Steve fought in 8chanmania LXI, where he and Blue looked for clues about the actual identity of The Higher Power. They got their first two clues ("Ring" and "Loud Booing") after defeating Katt, but since Steve couldn't take a clue from J-Bomb, the show ended then and there.