The Banisher

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The Banisher
The Banisher Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Nic Dizzle Pin
Daisaku Kuze
8chanmania LXIV
First Victory
The Banisher Pin
Daisaku Kuze
8chanmania LXIV
First Championship


The Banisher is an amalgam character of Bane and The Punisher.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Given that the Marvel has a lengthy history of re-inventing its villains and heroes via clever plot devices (i.e. alternate universe #5285), it shouldn't come as a surprise that some fans came up with The Punisher - a cross-breed that could use all the brute force of Bane while nominally still on team 'Good Guys' by virtue of being a stupidly edgy anti-hero.

Though the Banisher originally was a fan creation and/or a glorified meme, Marvel itself quietly acknowledged his existence. Well, in a footnote. In a spin-off comic. But he still broke Batman's back, and this is 110% canon.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Banisher fought in 8chanmania LXIV. His first match against Yakuza veteran Daisaku Kuze veritably was exactly what he wanted, but he still lost to Fumi Kanno in the round.