The Devourer

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The Devourer
The Devourer Image.png
Birthday '
From Extradimensional Entity
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
The Devourer Pin
8chanmania LVI
First Victory

First Championship


The Devourer is the final boss of Epic Battle Fantasy 5.

Bio[edit | edit source]

In monotheistic religions, there is a long-running question as to why a supposedly omnipotent god would create a universe fraught with grief, suffering, and stupidly complicated tax forms. Potential explanations range from 'devil' to 'demiurge', but few faiths dare to imagine that reality actually is a simulation program run by an extradimensional eldritch abomination. Epic Battle Fantasy does.

To its defense, this Devourer is not inherently evil. It just wants to run a its little universe simulator, where everything is nice and orderly. Unfortunately, (You) taking control of the player characters adds an unknown variable to his calculation and fucks it up so badly that the Devourer - in a flight of autistic rage - personally enters the party's plane of existence to make (You) ragequit.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Devourer fought in 8chanmania LVI, where he faced Durge. As The Devourer was not on his hitlist, Durge showed no particular enthusiasm in regard to fighting this foe, but Violet helpfully suggest The Devourer may or may not be some form of Mandalorian.