The Prince

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The Prince of Persia
The Prince of Persia Image.png
Birthday '
From Babylon, Persia
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
The Prince Pin
Lester the Unlikely
8chanmania XLI
First Victory
Dastan Pin
The Prince
8chanmania XLI
First Championship


The Prince is the royal brat you get to play in the long-running The Prince of Persia series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As his name suggests, the prince is the son of the Persian King Shahraman. Or maybe he isn't. Between him being an adoptive child and an otherwise unnamed Persian Sultan actually wanting his head before adopting him anyway, the series could never quite agree on this. Then again, it's been twenty years and two reboots; the last of which handily killed off the entire series by dumbing it down and jumping on the cel-shading train.

To stick with the version found in the Sands of Time trilogy, The Prince and his old man are on a trip through India to visit the Sultan of Azad. Their journey is interrupted when some local vizier talks them into ransacking the palace of his own maharaja, from which the Persians take a dagger, an hourglass, and a princess that they want to whore out to aforementioned Sultan.

When they finally reach Azad, however, the same shady vizier talks the Prince into breaking the hourglass. Which is sort of bad, as it held the sands of time. Which is even worse, as the released sands turn everyone except for The Prince, the princess, and the vizier into unfriendly sand monsters. With nothing to show for except for a dagger that can briefly turn back time, The Prince turns into a circus acrobat and jumps all over the place to fix the damage he has done.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Prince debuted in 8chanmania XLI, where he first faced off against Lester the Unlikely. The match went exactly as one might suspect. He subsequently was removed from the timeline through a submission hold of Arcueid Brunestud.

He also had a brief go during 8chanmania XLII, where his time-bending shenanigans were put to a quick halt by The Dahaka.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • With The Sands of Time supposedly taking place around 900 AD, The Prince would have been a contemporary of either Tahirid or Saffirid dynasty.