Truman Burbank

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Truman Burbank
Truman Burbank Image.png
Birthday '
From United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Truman Burbank W
Stan Stanman
8chanmania XXXVII
First Victory
Truman Burbank W
Stan Stanman
8chanmania XXXVII
First Championship


"In case I don't see you... good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"
— Truman Burbank

Truman Burbank is the protagonist of The Truman Show.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Truman Burbank is a perfectly ordinary American living a perfectly ordinary life in the perfectly ordinary town of Seahaven Island. His life is so ordinary, in fact, that Truman is somewhat puzzled when he finds a headlight spontaneously crashing down from the perfectly ordinary sky. Of course, Shakespeare once noted that "All the world's a stage", but between him briefly spotting his supposedly dead father, and Truman accidentally tuning in on a radio station that seemingly reports his every move, the poor lad becomes what other people might call 'paranoid'.

Problem is, delusional paranoia requires said paranoia to be fueled by delusions. In Truman's case, the paranoia instead is fueled by the fact that Truman has been the unwitting star of a reality TV show since the moment of his birth, everyone else in town being a paid actor, and Seahaven itself only existing as a gigantic, domed movie set.

But not to worry - while it is a very clever piece of social commentary, The Truman Show only is a movie. Actually pulling off a conspiracy of this scale would never work out in practice, and we can guarantee there are no cameras pointed at you right now.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Truman Burbank fought in 8chanmania XXXVII. He resisted Stan Stanman's vivid attempts to sell him anything ranging from a pirate ship to tupperware, but then ate a KO after Mr. Shake Hands Man shook his hands a bit too hard.