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Debut Match
Urotsuki L
Cat Sidhe Nekoko
8chanmania XXXVIII
First Victory

First Championship


Urotsuki is the protagonist of the Yume Nikki fan-game Yume 2kki.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Much like the original Madotsuki, Urotsuki appears to be a female hikkimori that steadfastly refuses to leave her room. Her only means to escape from this self-imposed confinement lies in going to bed and escaping to a world of dreams that would have made both Freud and Dali go scratch their heads in confusion.

Yume 2kki largely follows the original formula of Yume Nikki in that you need to enter the various dream worlds in order to collect 'effects' - some of which are purely cosmetic, and some of which are strictly required to access other regions. In a small act of rebellion, though, the game offers multiple endings - Urotsuki does get to leave her room, yes, and if you do it right, she doesn't even take the fastest way out of it.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Urotsuki fought in 8chanmania XXXVIII. She fought and lost against Cat Sidhe Nekoko.