Yoshika Miyako

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Yoshika Miyako
Yoshika Miyako Image.png
"Loyal Undead"
Birthday Unknown
From Japan
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Debut Match
Chun Li W
Yoshika Miyako
8chanmania L
First Victory
Chun Li W
Yoshika Miyako
8chanmania L
First Championship


Yoshika Miyako is a Jiang Shi (or Hopping Vampire) from the Touhou franchise. She serves as the Stage 3 Boss of Ten Desires and later shows up as a living shield for her master Seiga Kaku during Stage 4.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As a Jiang Shi, Yoshika is compelled to fulfill whatever orders are written on the ofuda (a magical paper charm) attached to her forehead. She does so with great vigor, but as most of her brain has already rotted away, Yoshika is somewhat lacking in cognitive capacity and prone to bouts of forgetfulness. On the plus side, she no longer feels any pain, and her ability to devour proverbially everything means Yoshika can consume the very souls of the dead in order to regenerate her own body. Her mistress Seiga likewise can simply re-raise her underling whenever the latter is defeated.

It is heavily suggested Yoshika was a poet prior to her first death and her subsequent resurrection by Seiga. She is said to revert to her original personality when no ofuda is attached to her, and may be heard muttering random lines of poetry - memories from a life she herself struggles to remember. Considering what happened to her mortal remains, it may be for the better.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Yoshika fought in 8chanmania L. She defeated Chun-Li and likely would have taken a bite out of her "meaty thighs" (as she herself put it), but was too busy rushing towards the next match - specifically the one against The White which she lost via pinfall.

Her second appearance was during 8chanmania LXVII. She lost against Big Scar Wu in the preliminaries.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Yoshika is loosely based on the Heian-period poet Miyako no Yoshika, as well as Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers.