Yuuji Kazami

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Yuuji Kazami
Yuuji Kazami Image.png
Agent I-9029
Birthday '
From Japan
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Yuuji Kazami W
El Neng
8chanmania XXXVIII
First Victory
Yuuji Kazami W
El Neng
8chanmania XXXVIII
First Championship


Yuuji Kazami is the protagonist of Grisaia no Kajitsu.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Yuuji had a bit of an unhappy childhood, including a violently abusive father, an idolized older sister that got run over by a bus, and a mother that killed herself after Yuuji had witnessed his old man's attempt to rape her. Enough trauma? Too bad! Yuuji gets adopted by a cruel bastard that makes him dress up as his big sister so he can get raped, too.

Yuuji eventually decides he had enough of it and killed one of his molesters. Realizing his potential, his adoptive father stops selling Yuuji as a boy toy, and instead sends him to a nightmare of a school where Yuuji not only gets relentlessly bullied, but also is trained as an assassin. His graduation ceremony consisted of having a fight to the death against the one girl he had grown fond of, and while Yuuji nearly gets killed by intentionally losing the match, said girl later gets killed anyway.

Things slightly improve when Yuuji gets drugged, abducted, and recruited by the female hitman Asako Kusakabe. But after spending all of his childhood and adolescence murdering people left and right, Yuuji decides he wants a normal life, and uses his contacts to get enrolled at Mihama Academy. Where is the single male student among five reasonably attractive girls.

Yuuji being a psychologically crippled trainwreck of a person fortunately doesn't matter, as the five other girls are utter trainwrecks, too. Turns out, Mihama Academy actually is a glorified golden cage; devised and paid for by very concerned (and very rich) businessmen who didn't have the heart to just have their rebellious girls lobotomized as the Kennedys did. Thus starts your average Japanese Dating Sim.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Yuuji Kazami fought in the 'Bad Games' mania of 8chanmania XXXVIII. His intimate knowledge about the art of murder gave him a great starting advantage against El Neng, He likewise showed Guitar Warrior that he only though he was hot when he evidently was not, and at the end of the day, Yuuji only left the tournament after being run over by Big Rig. Which ironically means he finally got to join his sister.