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Zergling Image.png
Birthday '
From '
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Manager The Overmind

Debut Match
Zergling L
Pirahna Plant
8chanmania XLVII
First Victory

First Championship


The Zergling is a warrior brood of the Zerg from StarCraft.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Only about the size of a larger dog, the humble Zergling is one of the smallest and most basal broods of the Zerg swarm. Although equipped with razor-sharp claws and capable of moving at alarming speeds, a single Zergling is little in the way of a threat to the gauss rifles of the Terrans or the psi blades of the Protoss. What makes Zerglings dangerous are their sheer numbers - their low breeding cost and the fact that each larva actually morphs into two instead of one Zergling means the Swarm can amass gigantic hordes of these creatures in very little time; allowing them to simply bury the enemy under their accumulated bodies.

Aside from these mass attacks, Zerglings fulfill a variety of other roles in the Swarm - they protect freshly-established hives while they are at their most vulnerable, perform reconnaissance alongside the much slower Overlords, and raid enemy bases before the latter have a chance to set up a defense of their own. When coupled with other breeds, they frequently are also used as bullet sponges for warrior strains that are less disposable than them, and can quickly overwhelm enemies that are more suited for a single tough target instead of multiple weaker ones.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Two Zerglings, invariably fighting pair-bound, entered the ring in 8chanmania XLVII. And then left it again very quickly after a fucking plant took care of the aggressive mites.