24 Hour Stream

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24 Hour Stream
24 Hour Stream Logo.png
"24 Hours of Autism"
Start Date May 1st, 2020
End Date May 2nd, 2020
Champion Not Applicable

Preceded By: Followed By:
8chanmania LXXXIX 8chanmania XC

The 24 Hour Stream was a special donation drive-style event held to pay off the gargantuan monetary debt 8chanmania owed to Banzai Inc..

Schedule[edit | edit source]

Far from being the usual old wrestling show, the 24 Hour Stream saw a wide variety of different broadcasts by different mania regular to keep the audience hooked to the screen and milk it for those sweet donation bucks. This included:

  • TNA: Belts, Boxes, and Beating FPWW (Drawsteam, FPWW Single Player)
  • SKF: Dive Grass 2.0 (More like 8chanCup 2.0)
  • Hyde: End Cycle vs Lore Extravaganza
  • Baka Brigade: Phantasy Star Online Challenge Run (with a short bit of battle mode at the end)
  • Oxford: Early Morning Trucking and Tunes (European Truck Driver Simulator, and Getting-Your-Truck-Stuck-on-a-Sidewalk-Simulator)
  • Umbrant: Draw Request Stream (featuring Lil Vi', Dunpan, the Lolice, and many more).
  • Pol's Autistic Coding Corner (showcasing the functioning of the Violet Dialogue Editor, Server, and the Betting System)
  • MFW: Wrestling and Cars (but mostly War Tankz)
  • Duet: Gondola Power Hour
  • TNA: Side Stories and Games (Los Tiburon plays Pokemon, and Morbis tries to get his hands on the Neggaballs)
  • BMN: Movie Death Auction and Game Giveaways (Ever wanted to see horrible movies shreddered live on stream?)
  • Closing Ceremonies

Notable Outcomes[edit | edit source]

Los Tiburon Jailbreak[edit | edit source]

Having previously been imprisoned by the Lolice, Los Tiburon accepts the offer of Team Rocket's Jessie and James to partake in their jailbreak attempt, but his road to freedom is paved in a type of fight he has never fought before: Pokemon Battles. Supplied with three pokemon by Team Rocket, his quest for freedom saw him fight and defeat:

  • Team Rocket (as a means to prove his worth)
  • Paul Blart (who tried to apprehend him following the jailbreak)
  • Youngster Joey (who simply was itching for a fight)
  • Banzai Man (after accidentally stumbling into the 8chanmania ring)
  • Lolice (who tried to goad him back into prison)
  • and El Grapadura (whom Los Tiburon had earlier dishonored by pulling of his mask).

It indeed seemed that the relatively inexperienced Shark of the Land was bound to become a Pokemon champion, had he not run into his old nemesis: Shield-chan. Still furious that the latter had stolen his Hawlucha from him, the fight between the two was all but inevitable, but whereas Los Tiburon had enjoyed a flawless string of victories before, Shield-chan's Scottish ferocity (and the bullshit tactics of her pokemon) saw her winning the match after a protracted 60+ turn fight.

For what little it was worth, she returned Hawlucha to Los Tiburon anyway - if only after spending nearly half an hour complaining it was a shit Pokémon anyway.

Dr. Morbis and the Seven Neggaballs[edit | edit source]

After gaining his first Neggaball during 8chanmania LXXXVII, Dr. Morbis was fascinated by its dark powers and set out to collect the remaining six others. His research soon showed that they were protected by rather unlikely caretakers - namely assorted WWE champions. Morbis thus entered the ring, easily fending off Macho Man Randy Savage, Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan. His first defeat came in the form of a ringout at the hands of The Undertaker, but the evil genius found a loophole which allowed him to claim the latters Neggaball anyway by nonchalantly shooting him in the face. The same tactic did not work on Vince McMahon, who, defended by the magical powers of his Kayfabe, bested Morbis and reclaimed the stolen Neggaballs for WWE.

Closing Ceremonies[edit | edit source]

Although the audience donated a 8chanshekels rivalling the annual GDP of an African country over the course of the 24 Hour Stream, Default-chan and Violet still were some good 500.000 bucks short of becoming debt-free. This problem was eventually solved through two factors: A rather generous donation from Remilia Scarlet (simply signed: "Thanks for the food, homie"), and a last major donation push from the audience itself which eventually saw the debt counter growing some 50.000 bucks into the negative. Whether this means Default-chan can buy back the Mania from Banzai Inc remains to be seen, as her first act after the show was over was to collapse from exhaustion and fall asleep.