8chanmania XCV

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8chanmania XCV
Start Date June 21st, 2020
End Date June 27th, 2020
Champion Gundam Rose

Preceded By: Followed By:
8chanmania XCIV 8chanmania XCVI

8chanmania XCV was the 29th mania of 8chanmania:Season 3 and the 95th mania in total. It was a pure vanilla mania with no special theme attached to it.

It was delayed for a week for unspecified reasons. Due to a one-hour delay caused by technical issues (lol Twitch) and the sheer length of the mania, 8chanmania XCV was halted after the preliminaries had been fought out and then resumed on Saturday, June 27th.

Roster[edit | edit source]

Bracket[edit | edit source]

Preliminaries   Best of Sixteen   Quarter Finals   Semi Finals   Finals
Tom Nook W
Daroach Pin  
Tom Nook Pin
  Winter Alto W  
Moon Man Pin
Winter Alto W  
Winter Alto W
  Banzai Man Pin  
Van Darkholme Pin
Banzai Man W  
Banzai Man W
  Roxas Pin  
Ringo Ishikawa Pin
Roxas W  
Winter Alto Pin
  SS13 Janitor W  
Robbie Rotten Pin
SS13 Janitor W  
SS13 Janitor W
  Markus Kruber Pin  
Tetsuo Shima Pin
Markus Kruber W  
SS13 Janitor W
  Isaac Clarke Pin  
Reyn Sub
Isaac Clarke W  
Isaac Clarke W
  Chris Redfield Pin  
Chris Redfield W
[[Hal 'Otacon' Emmerich]] Pin  
SS13 Janitor Pin
  Gundam Rose W
Guybrush Threepwood W
Hat Kid Pin  
Guybrush Threepwood Chair'd
  King Harkinian W  
Neo Dio Pin
King Harkinian W  
King Harkinian Sub
  Madara Uchiha W  
Madara Uchiha W
Yari Ashigaru Pin  
Madara Uchiha W
  The Kid Pin  
The Kid W
Rash Pin  
Madara Uchiha Pin
  Gundam Rose W  
Yellow Devil W
Kinky Sub  
Yellow Devil Pin
  Gundam Rose W  
Gundam Rose W
Brauggi Pin  
Gundam Rose W
  Clown Pin  
Kazuma Kiryu W
Dick Gumshoe KO  
Kazuma Kiryu Pin
  Clown W  
Clown W
Darth Vader Pin  

The Lore: Now Extra-Lengthy[edit | edit source]

The Wrestle Gear[edit | edit source]

Following the usual clusterfuck of last week's events, and Ansem's attempt to snatch it away from right under their noses, an alarmed Teagan Almace takes Default-Chan and Violet into the super-secret production room of Lil' Vi. There, Deffy and Violet learn that Kunio and Ansem fought out last week's grudge match before a gigantic, hermetically sealed door. Which kind of hides the legendary, supposedly wish-granting Wrestle Gear.

Now - since the Wrestle Gear can supposedly rewrite reality itself, and it would be pretty bad if one of the many socially well-adjusted people routinely nominated for the mania would get their hands on it, Teagan asks Deffy and Violet to help her retrieve the Wrestle Gear. Problem One: Aside from the late Ansem, only Lil' Vi knows how to open the door. Problem Two: Lil' Vi shared the sophisticated secret codephrase ("Password 123") with them, but Teagan, quite baffled at such difficult a phrase, promptly shouted it out aloud - sending everyone and their mum on a mad rat race towards the Wrestle Gear.

Oh, and Problem Three: Deffy and Violet couldn't very well run the mania while searching for the Wrestle Gear, they had to briefly relinquish control over the tournament to a third party. One with an IQ low enough to freeze water.

The Locker Room[edit | edit source]

On their way towards the Wrestle Gear, the trio had to pass through the mania's locker room. The latter was currently occupied by Aniki, who would only allow the group to pass if they (well, the audience) correctly answered what one was bound to say in the face of danger and adversity. As Default-Chan replied with a healthy "ASS WE CAN!", he willingly made room and even gave them an Angel Feather.

Having realized they lost their keys to the deeper bowels of the mania, the group returned to the control room in search of the former. Aside from the keys, they also found anything ranging from a bottle of vodka, an old Mania shirt of Deffy, and the old "Caramel Dansen" button of Season 1.

Encountering the B-Team[edit | edit source]

On their way through a stairwell, the group ran into Cate Archer. The latter was strictly opposed to Teagan's plans to let FOXHOUND acquire the Wrestlegear for the betterment of humanity, as her own UNITY group preferentially would see the damned thing destroyed. She still was willing to let them pass so long as they managed to solve a "simple" riddle, but Default-Chan (i.e., the chat) promptly fucked up. Cate allowed them to pass anyway, but the group couldn't help but feel they had been missing out on something.

Lies and Masks[edit | edit source]

While making some progress through the remnants of the APERTURE science facility, the group met what ostensibly seemed like Teagan's old friend Saki. Except Saki wasn't Saki, but a cleverly disguised Agent 47; sent out to acquire the Wrestle Gear for a shadowy employer. He and Teagan engaged in a fight which the latter handily won, but 47 very nearly would have killed her with a well-aimed bullet if Violet had not caught it with her weapon-grade boobs (we are not making this up). Teagan subsequently knocked out 47, and acquired his gun in the process.

It Belongs in a Museum![edit | edit source]

Deeper still inside the bowels of the facility, the group ran into Indiana Jones. After defeating him in a rather simplistic card game, he tried to inform them about some theory involving the ground-up bones of a dead Sumerian god, but Default-Chan realized she did not give a fuck and told the old man to get himself into a museum. A grumpy Jones replied they'd fail any history tests they'd ever get into, but even as he left, the archeologist dropped a mysterious cardboard box. Which the group promptly swiped.

OH MY GOD JC, A BOMB![edit | edit source]

Already within the very bowels of the facility, the group met JC Denton, and a bomb whose merry beeping suggested it was doing the final countdown. Fortunately, Teagan had gained some limited experience in the field of bomb disposal during her time with FOXHOUND. This is not to say she had the slightest clue what in all hells she was doing when she placed an old person's wig on the bomb, and somehow extended the timer to a generous 168 hours. Nor did she entirely grasp why JC insisted she hit the bomb with a prod. But long story short: It worked, the bomb was defused, and JC left them with a GEP Gun as a parting gift.

!!!CAUTION!!![edit | edit source]

Meanwhile, back in the control booth, Lil Vi' and Cirno grew mildly concerned over the rising temperatures in the nuclear reactor that served as the energy supply of the facility. Being functionally immortal, Cirno 'volunteered' to inspect the problem, only to find that the problem in question was no-one less than her old colleague Utsuho Reiuji. Her attempts to rein in the hell raven went about as well as one might expect (i.e. Cirno went into meltdown), but after their danmaku fight, it turned out that Utsuho actually had been aiming on an annoying fly right behind Cirno all along. As such, she happily complied when a freshly-respawned ice fairy asked her to tone things down a bit.

Under My Umbrella[edit | edit source]

After five straight hours of footslogging, the group ran into Albert Wesker. This probably should have resulted in yet another riddle, card game, or even just an old-fashioned wrestling fight, but by now, Default-Chan was so royally pissed off that she quite simply punched slapped Wesker right out of the screen. Her irate reaction was later revealed to have come from the bottle Wesker dropped upon his defeat; neatly labelled "Mania Girl Bathwater(tm)".

Archer[edit | edit source]

At the very bottom of the barrel (or at least the bottom of the facility), the trio ran into an decrepit, ran-down production booth. Violet briefly wondered if they finally had got lost for good, but Default-Chan assured her they couldn't get lost, as that would fuck up the plot. As could, for instance, Sterling Archer - who had spent several days shirtless and dehydrated waiting for someone to actually show up. The girls took pity on him; giving him Deffy's old mania shirt and the bottle of vodka they had acquired early on. Archer returned the favor by giving them his Palm Bazooka.

Holding Your Breath for Five Minutes[edit | edit source]

Meaner meanwhile, in the ring, King Harkinian showed great outrage at Guybrush's claim that she can hold his breath for ten minutes straight. Following ten heart-wrenching minutes which everyone used to take a piss, Guybrush won the bet to great fanfare.

Totally Spies![edit | edit source]

Their next foes turned out to be the Totally Spies in the form of Alex, Clover, and Sam; who confronted the trio and dragged them into an lengthy 3v3 match over certain misunderstandings regarding the destruction of the entire planet. While the Spies won the match through a submission hold on Teagan, aforementioned misunderstanding was eventually cleared up by virtue of this very wiki, and the spies gave the girls their Spy Suits while they fall back to restore connection with their commander.

A Shake of Hands[edit | edit source]

Their seemingly last enemy right before the massive blast doors protecting the Metal Gear revealed himself to be no-one other than Mr. Shake Hands Man, who had patiently waited for a whole year to take control of the machinery. Following another lengthy battle (which was held entirely RPG Maker-style), Mr. Shake Hands Man unceremoniously surrendered (after totally not wiping the party in the first run).

Degeneracy Ahoy![edit | edit source]

Unfortunately, this opened up the way for Kyu, Risky Boots, and Iku Acme, who were under the command of Slaanesh and planned to use the Wrestle Gear for their own plans - specifically to whore up the mania to levels no-one had ever seen before...'

Cue the third and final Porn Mania.

Gallery[edit | edit source]