8chanmania XXVIII
"Site-wide Mania"
Start Date
Sly Marbo
Preceded By:
Followed By:
8chanmania XXVIII was the first board-wide mania, meaning that each of the invited boards could nominate a champion for itself. The results were . . . mixed.
- Chad Warden - YouTube Troll (/fgg/)
- Punished /v/ - /v/ mascot (Representing /v/)
- Tanya von Degurachef - Youjo Senki (Board unknown)
- Sly Marbo - Warhammer 40.000 (Representing /tg/)
- Nate - /fur/ OC (Representing /fur/)
- Nanachi - Made in Abyss - (representing /kemono/)
- Kamen Rider 1 - Kamen Rider (Representing /m/)
- Dr. Robotnik - Sonic the Hedgehog (Representing /fast/)
- Ammit - (/monster/ OC) (Representing /monster/)
- Ebola-chan - Loves you (Representing /ebola/)
- Jim Watkins - Imageboard Owner (probably representing /cow/)
- Wadina Davis - /sp/ mascot (representing /sp/)
- Bane - Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (Representing /bane/)
- Nigra - 4chan OC (Representing /b/)
- Cirno - Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Representing /2hu/)
- Reimoo - Reimu Hakurei with cow tits (Representing /animu/)
- Larry Laffer - Leisure Suit Larry' (Representing /lss/, which was specifically created for this mania)
- Fat Bald Bastard - The Embodiment of Netorare (Representing /hgg/)
- Mewtwo - Pokemon (Representing /poke/)
- Swolecard - Star Trek: The Next Generation - Mirror Broken (Representing /strek/)
- HoiHoi - /a/ Auto-Mod (Representing /a/)
- Johnny Rico - Starship Troopers (Representing /argentinia/)
- Dan Murphy - Liquor Salesman (Representing /ausneets/)
- Sen no Rikyu - Historical Tea Enthusiast (Representing /tea/)
- Remove Kebab - Serbian Food Critic (Representing /k/)
- Amerimutt - America is White! (Representing /pol/ ?)
- Brendan Fraser - Actor (Representing /just/)
- Elliot Rodger - Local School Shooter (Representing either /r9k/ or /v9k/)
- Phil Collins - Genesis (Representing /genesis/)
- Bo Dallas - Wrestler (Representing /woo/)
- WIP - WIP (Representing /test/)