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Debut Match
8chanmania XXIX
First Victory

First Championship


AESTHETICS is the beloved mascot of the vaporwave scene.

Bio[edit | edit source]

AESTHETHICS technically happens to be a bust of the Greek solar deity Helios from the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes. However, his divine appearance was so aesthetically pleasing that Vektroid (i.e. Macintosh Plus), a hitherto relatively unknown artist, put him unto the cover of her album Flower Shoppe. Said album, in turn, more or less invented (or at least broadly popularized) the genre of vaporwave, so that AESTHETHICS became its literal figurehead.

Putting what AESTHETHICS and vaporwave actually mean in words is notoriously difficult. One could argue it evokes a sense of nostalgia for an era (i.e, the 80s) that most of the audience had never faced itself; owing to the simple fact it had not been born yet. More high-strung theories try to classify vaporwave as anything ranging from satiric anti-capitalist tunes that parody the music usually found in elevators and shopping malls; to it being a sugar-sweet ersatz drug that helps doomers to cope with the inevitable end of western civilization. The only thing people generally can agree on is that vaporwave is, like, totally kino.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

AESTHETHICS fought in 8chanmania XXIX, where it appeared just as you would expect it to be appear - i.e, a disembodied, floating marble head. It was set up to fight Carpenter Brut's mascot Leather Teeth, but the outcome of the match has been lost to history.