Agent J

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Agent J

Agent J is a man of Jewish faith under the employ of the IRS.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Despite of billionaire lobbyists ensuring that it is constantly understaffed and underfunded, the IRS still produces some of the most vicious government agents the United States of America have at their disposal. Under a rare moon, however, the anonymous White Anglo-Saxon Protestant that usually fills the suit will be replaced by a man of Judaic beliefs. And since his culture gifted him with an inherent knowledge of tax evasion, this harbinger of doom will ensure it won't happen.

Some far-right cultists will insist that Agent J only has it out for them because any taxes they don't pay are shekels that won't pay the military-industrial complex of Israel. Others will claim that his exclusive function is to ensure that AIPAC can finance its bribes. In truth, however, Agent J is a wildly apolitical bureaucrat, and mostly vents his frustration upon the average taxpayer because going after the big fish will invariably get him fired.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Agent J fought in the porn-themed 8chanmania XCVI; having been called in after the usual IRS team found unexpected resistance on the part of Slaanesh's goons. His actual attempt to enter the fight was cut short when Default-Chan decided to pull the plug on the mania's special effects and tried to return it to its primordial state.