Agrias Oaks

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Agrias Oaks
Agrias Oaks Image.png
Birthday June 22nd
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Agrias Oaks L
8chanmania XCIV
First Victory

First Championship


Agrias Oaks is a character from Final Fantasy Tactics.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Agrias is the leader of the Lionsguard - a group of knights that serve as the personal bodyguard to the royal family of Ivalice in general, and princess Ovelia Atkascha in particular. This would have been a demanding job to begin with, and got even worse when a terrible civil war ensured Agria's young charge was now at constant risk of getting kidnapped, forcibly married, and/or murdered for various political shenanigans.

Since she and the two other knights accompanying her are a woefully limited security detail for someone of such wide-spread interest, she eventually hires the mercenary band of Goffard Gaffgarion - which conveniently includes the game's main protagonist, Ramza Beoulve. It goes beyond saying that she later join's the player's own merry little warband, bringing in her devastating 'Holy Sword' techniques and way less commentary than you'd expect from a major plot character.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Agrias Oaks fought in the Square Enix-themed 8chanmania XCIV. She sought to bring glory and honor upon the name of Princess Ovelia, but got smacked by the textbook sociopath Caim.