Alarielle the Radiant

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Alarielle the Radiant
Alarielle the Radiant Image.png
The Everqueen
Birthday '
From Ulthuan
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Alarielle the Radiant Sub
8chanmania XCI
First Victory
Alarielle the Radiant Sub
8chanmania XCI
First Championship


Alarielle the Radiant is a major character for the High Elf faction from Warhammer Fantasy.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As the eleventh Everqueen, Alarielle is one of the two co-rulers of the High Elves of Ulthuan, and a living avatar of the Elven mother goddess Isha. Historically, Everqueens mostly played a domestic role in High Elf society, enacting agricultural fertility rituals to ensure ripe harvests, and getting fertilized themselves by the current Phoenix King to produce the next Everqueen.

Alarielle, however, bore no daughter to the Phoenix King of her age. Mostly because she was busy with her personal champion and bodyguard, Tyrion. And since the Phoenix King really was a bit of a wimp, Alarielle took it upon herself to lead the armies of Ulthuan into war; punishing the forces of Chaos, Beastmen, Orks, or whoever else would threaten Ulthuan with the proverbial wrath of an angry goddess.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

While her title as 'Mother of Elves' is not entirely literal, Alarielle still took part in the Mother's Day-themed 8chanmania XCI. Her coming from a world where goat people with horns are extremely bad news meant her run-in with Toriel not only was awkward, but also ended with Alarielle beating the snot out of her until the goat mom tapped out. Alarielle herself would then tap out against Zhenji after the latter whipped her into shape.