Axl Low

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Axl Low
Axl Low Image.png
Causal Anomaly
Birthday '
From London, United Kingdom
Height 5'10" (179 cm)
Weight 172 lbs. (78 kg)

Debut Match
Axl Low W
8chanmania XV
First Victory
First Championship


Axl Low is a playable fighter from the Guilty Gear series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Although heir to a reasonably well-off family, Axl still grew up in one of the worst parts of London's East End during the 1980s and 90s. The rampant crime and gang violence of his quarter annoyed him to no small end, so he set out to bring peace to his neighborhood - namely by beating the crap out of people and becoming fast friends with them afterwards. He also had a girlfriend called Megumi, whom he loved dearly.

Then Axl got sucked into a time slip and found himself stranded in the war-ravaged world of 2178. He spent the next two years wandering about; desperately seeking for a way to return to his original and his beloved Megumi. When he hears that the champion of the Sacred Knights fighting tournament would get whatever they wish for, and endlessly optimistic Axl sets out to win his way back home. Until he stumbles right into the next time slip. Poor bastard reallys needs to watch his step.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Axl only appeared in 8chanmania XV, and nothing beyond him not winning a belt there is known.