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The Stranger
Birthday '
From Scandinavia
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Debut Match
Baldur Pin
8chanmania L
First Victory

First Championship


Baldur is the main antagonist of God of War's 2018 reboot.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As son of the All-Father Odin and the Vanir Freya, Baldur already was a high-ranking animal within the realm of Asgard as it was. Unfortunately for him, mommy decided that nothing, and absolutely nothing in the whole wide world was going to hurt her baby. This effectively meant Freya cast a spell on him that allowed Baldur to heal and recuperate from even the most grievous wounds; including those of the terminal kind.

Of course, the entire immortality deal also came with Baldur losing any and all sense of physical sensation - he has no sense of taste, no sense of smell, and no sense of touch. Between being a prisoner in his own, undying body and certain erectile dysfunctions, Baldur is understandably upset by his lot, and tried anything to get rid of his curse. Which, thanks to the fuckery of his old man, sent him on a neat collision course with the certified god-killer Kratos.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Baldur fought in 8chanmania L. His immediate defeat against the Line-Block did not exactly help his perpetually sour mood. However, Line-Block besting an immortal would later turn out to be prophetic when The White declared it as an avatar of the great annihilator.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • While the developers never admitted to it, Baldur's design and looks were blatantly stolen from the Techno Viking.