Barry Orton

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Barry Orton
Barry Orton Image.png
Barry O
Birthday May 28th, 1958
From Texas, United States
Height 6'1 (185 cm)
Weight 235 lbs. (107 kg)

Debut Match
Barry Orton
8chanmania III
First Victory

First Championship


Barry Orton was an American professional wrestler.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Heir to professional wrestler Bob Orton, Barry threw away a career as a musician after a potential record deal turned sour and turned to wrestling in 1976. While his career saw him performing for notable promotions like the WWF, the IFW, and NJPW; he never reached the fame of company-approved champions and was more or less doomed to his role as the perpetual jobber.

Orton's other, more unpleasant claims to fame were a drunk driving accident that got a female passenger killed and him being a key part of the sexual harassment lawsuit against WWF booker Terry Gavin (who repeatedly asked to suck his dick while on a ride with Orton). That the former only resulted in a temporary suspension of Orton from WWF while the latter got him blacklisted by the company is pretty telling.

Orton died under unspecified circumstances at the age of 62.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Barry O was one of the wrestlers invited for 8chanmania III, but nothing beyond him not winning a belt is known.