Beakie Marine

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Beakie Marine
Beakie Marine Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
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Debut Match
Beakie Marine ?
Akira Nishikiyama
8chanmania XXIX
First Victory

First Championship


The Beakie Marine is an iconic character from the bygone days of Warhammer 40.000: Rogue Trader.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As many fa/tg/uys will attest, the earliest incarnations of Warhammer 40.000 were quite a bit different from its later editions. Space Marines weren't venerable warrior-monks but more akin to Dirty Harry space cops, Eldar had a tendency to look like Jareth the Goblin King or glam metal singers, and the entire setting basically was a Judge Dredd-style parody of itself over how dystopian and grimdark it was. Then people started to take things too seriously; quickly leading to fun being verboten and squats being squatted.

For what little it's worth, the original design of the "Beakie" helmet eventually was reintroduced as the Mk. VI 'Corvus' powered armor - a technological predecessor to the Mk. VI and VII armors used by modern space marines. Some chapters still keep them as sacred relics, and the Consecrator still seem to have large stock of them.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Beakie Marine (likely) debuted in 8chanmania XXIX. Sadly, missing records mean we only know he was set to fight Akira Nishikiyama, and that's the gist of it.

His only other appearance was in 8chanmania XXXII, where Beakie Marine couldn't match the grit of General Sturnn.